We use Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science (c) 1986 or 1989 which has excellent presentations and fits well with the aim of our program. This text concentrates on basic formation, not on the accumulation of complex data. Each lesson is a two page spread that introduces the student to a science concept. At the end of each paragraph throughout the lesson are 'Questions in Blue' which help the student to focus his attention on the concept being presented. There are also additional questions at the end of each lesson that enable the student to test his mastery of the concept. These lessons provide excellent practice in the study of dialectic. The Teacher's Manual contains complete daily lesson plans, tests, answer keys to the tests, and answer keys to the questions in the text for Concepts and Challenges in Earth Science.
MODG strongly recommends that families purchase our 5th Grade Science, 7th Grade Science or 8th Grade Science (a series), or that they purchase the Earth, Life, and Physical books, and not a combination from the two sets as the two sets basically carry the same information, but arranged differently. The texts for the Earth, Life, and Physical books can be purchased from used books suppliers. MODG does not recommend 3rd or 4th edition Concepts and Challenges materials.
Online versions of the MODG syllabi are provided to enrolled families free of charge. Paper copies of the syllabi are also available for purchase from the MODG office, with a 30% discount for enrolled families.