Grade 11-12 students.
Materials Used:Selections of St. Thomas’ Summa Theologica (provided), Federalist and Anti Federalist papers, the Constitution, Common Sense, Democracy in America, and Economics in One Lesson (booklist on family site).
Description:The course begins with a discussion of law through the light of St. Thomas and culminates with an understanding of the type of government laid out by our Founding Fathers. Economic principles are also discussed in depth. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS Credit
Cost: $630.00Grade 10-12 students
Materials Used:American Government in Christian Perspective from ABeka, Economics Work and Prosperity in Christian Perspective by R. Kirk (ABeka), test/quiz booklets, and other required texts. (Booklist on family site)
Description:This course covers the Constitution, the branches of government and offers a thorough look at economics, both in principle and in application to particulars. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit.
Cost: $630.00Grade 9-12 students.
Materials Used:The Founding of Christendom by Warren Carroll, and other required books (booklist on family site).
Description:This course emphasizes what can be achieved through man’s natural gifts and virtues, both intellectual and moral. Historical material focuses on an understanding of natural virtue and its relationship to society and government. Discussions center around questions that help the student come to an understanding of these issues. Course includes the reading of great works of literature: Iliad (or Children’s Homer), Plutarch, Shakespeare, Plato. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
2 HS credits
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 10-12
Materials Used:Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Ivanhoe, Henry V, Midsummer Nights Dream, Vicar of Wakefield, Emma, David Copperfield, Space Trilogy, Harp and the Laurel Wreath
Description:Students will meet bi-monthly through the school year to discuss the books students are reading in British Literature. This course covers various literary periods in British history alongside an in-depth study of British poetry. While British Lit book club does include grading given that the meetings are bi-monthly we strongly recommend that students sign up for Teacher Directed or Teacher Enhanced. Books include Emma, David Copperfield, Vicar of Wakefield, and more!
Cost: $540.00Students in Grades 10-12
Materials Used:A High School level class meeting every week for discussion on some of Shakespeare’s most popular plays. An excellent exercise in both critical thinking and critical reading, the class begins with a study of his comedies and then moves through his historical, tragic and romantic plays in addition to a brief study of the sonnets. Four short papers on each genre are submitted for grading and an oral final is given at the end of each semester. 1.0 credits.
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 5-8
Materials Used:Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, God King: A Story in the Days of King Hezekiah, The Cat of Bubastes, Golden Goblet, Victory on the Walls, The Hittite Warrior, Old World and America, and more.
Description:A discussion based bi-monthly class for the students to discuss with a teacher the history books read in MODG. This is a discussion-based course; grading is included, but you can add TS support or opt out of grading. All TS teachers working with students in the class will be given access to class materials to insure an integrated service for the student. The TS teacher shares feedback with the LS teacher. Class meets every other week, 60 minutes duration.
Cost: $376.00Students in Grades 6-9
Materials Used:Famous Men of Greece, The Greeks, Herodotus’ Histories, D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, The Children’s Homer, Archimedes and the Door of Science, Famous Men of Rome, City, The Romans, A Triumph for Flavius, Caesar’s Gallic Wars, Augustus Caesar’s World, The Eagle of the Ninth, Old World and America, and more.
Description:A discussion based bi-monthly class for the students to discuss with a teacher the history books read in MODG. This is a discussion-based course; grading is included, but you can add TS support or opt out of grading. All TS teachers working with students in the class will be given access to class materials to insure an integrated service for the student. The TS teacher shares feedback with the LS teacher. Class meets every other week, 60 minutes duration.
Cost: $376.00Students in Grades 11-12
Materials Used:See booklist on family site.
Description:RIGOR COURSE. Specialized teachers guide students through a wide variety of classic pieces of literature to obtain the art of literary analysis. This course leads the readers to gain eternal, unchanging truths, based on Catholic morality and foundational philosophical principles. The students will grow to understand the nature of causality regarding actions, what the levels of friendship are, how to make judgments and discern between right and wrong in complicated situations, as well as many other life lessons that prepare them well to enter the next stage of their lives. The longer selections are Ivanhoe, Emma and Till We Have Faces, while some works of Shakespeare are covered, including: King Lear and A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream. Tolstoy’s Forged Coupon, Kafka’s Metamorphoses, and Chaucer’s Clerk’s Tale are among the works read. Other authors include Flannery O’Connor, Leo Tolstoy, Henry James, Nathaniel Hawthorne, G.K. Chesterton, Oscar Wilde, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Weekly discussion board posts will be required most weeks. There will be a final exam each semester and a senior thesis second semester. Class meets once a week, 75 minutes duration.
NB: While we take pride as a school in being able to be flexible and adjust course-work to meet student needs, the nature of the Rigor courses necessitates that the course be done as described to receive the credit for the Rigor course title. Auditing the course for no credit is allowed, but if done with adjustments for credit there will be a course title change. Before adding TS-in-LS to this course, please discuss it with both your consultant and your teacher.
Cost: $650.00Students in Grades 10-12
Materials Used:History of the English Speaking Peoples by Churchill, The History of Medieval Spain by J. O’Callaghan, and other required books (see book list on family site).
*Note that this course does not use the Medieval English and Spanish syllabus – that is a different course.
Description:Through investigation, discussion and debate, issues of particular importance are addressed including the development of kingship & government in the Middle Ages, the Inquisition, and the Reformation. The application of Catholic moral teachings in such cases as Suetonius and the Londoners, King Stephen and the hostages, Martyrs of the Cordoba, and tyrannicide are also covered. In addition, works of literature, such as Song of Roland, Beowulf, Ballad of the White Horse, Murder in the Cathedral, and The Cid are discussed. Some teachers also include a mock Inquisition trial so that student are clear about how such trials worked. Paper grading included. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
2.0 HS credits
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 7-10.
Materials Used:Fingal’s Quest, Augustine Came to Kent, Son of Charlemagne, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Magna Charta, Adam of the Road, Francis and Clare: Saints of Assisi, St. Dominic and the Rosary, The Door in the Wall, The Black Arrow, Old World and America, and more.
Description:A discussion based bi-monthly class for the students to discuss with a teacher the history books read in MODG. This is a discussion-based course; grading is included, but you can add TS support or opt out of grading. All TS teachers working with students in the class will be given access to class materials to insure an integrated service for the student. The TS teacher shares feedback with the LS teacher. Class meets every other week, 60 minutes duration.
Cost: $376.00Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval
Materials Used:MODG Composition Manual; Wordly Wise 3000; Writing Skills Book 3
Description:Focusing on writing, this course works on how to research for an essay, how to write introdutory paragraphs, how to write persuading paragraphs, biography information, and more. Many resources are provided to assist student. Class meets once a week, 30 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-10: English 10 must also take::
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval
Materials Used:Christ the King, Lord of History and Workbook, Daughter of Time.
Description:This course provides a comprehensive overview of history, from the Old Testament to World War II, including Greece, Rome, the Early Church, the Middle Ages, Spain, the Reformation and Counterreformation, the French Revolution and more. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-10: World History & Geog must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval
Description:This English course goes hand-in-hand with the SS-11 US History class. Class meets once a week, 30 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-11: English 11 must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval
Materials Used:See syllabus for booklist.
Description:A gentle approach to our US History class. This course covers American history from the colonial era through the World Wars and beyond. Students discuss, investigate, and debate on many key issues, such as the justification for secession, and dropping of the atomic bomb. Interwoven with the history is literature discussion. Students read classics such as The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Sense and Sensibility, and The Red Badge of Courage among others. Class meets once a week, 45 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-11: US History & Geog must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval
Description:This course teaches American Government and Economics using original sources and the ABeka economics book. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration
Students taking LS - SS-12: Am Gov & Econ must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval
Materials Used:Antigone, Beowulf, Henry V, Leaf by Niggle, Exact Science of Matrimony, Ransom of Red Chief, Pygmalian, Enoch and the Gorilla, Think Analogies, and selected poetry from Harp and the Laurel Wreath.
Description:This is a Literature course which allows the students to engage with some of the greatest literary and classic authors. The measured pace of the course allows students time to examine the readings carefully and to reflect in class on important questions the text raises. Towards the end of the semester the students will complete a book called Think Analogies which helps students develop their own writing skills by identifying and forming various types of analogies. Class meets once a week, 30 minutes.
Students taking LS - SS-12: English 12 must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval
Materials Used:Bible Basics for Catholics: A New Picture of Salvation History, Bible History, The Young People's Book of Saints
Description:Based on Story of the Church, students learn history through the life of the Church. Teachers supplement with slideshows. Students are pre-assigned questions to help them learn to search for text. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-9: Church History must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval
Materials Used:Editor in Chief Level 2, Writing Skills Book 2 (Hansbury), Supplemental Grammar Workbook. Wordly Wise 3000
Description:Course includes basic grammar rules and speech parts. Online access to WordlyWise3000. Class meets once a week, 30 m
Students taking LS - SS-9: English 9 must also take:
Students in Grades 8-12
Materials Used:Christ in the Americas by Anne Carroll and other required books. (See book list provided on family site.)
Description:This course covers American history from the colonial era through the World Wars and beyond. Students discuss and investigate key issues. Students hold class debates on the justification for secession, and dropping the atomic bomb. Interwoven with the history is literature discussion. Students read classics including The American Revolutionaries, Sense and Sensibility, and The Red Badge of Courage. Paper grading included. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
2 HS credits.
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 8-12
Materials Used:America: Forge of Freedom by Bruce Clark (Seton) and other required books. (See book list provided on family site.)
Description:This course covers American history from the colonial era through the World Wars and beyond. Students discuss and investigate key issues. Students hold class debates on the justification for secession, and dropping the atomic bomb. Interwoven with the history is literature discussion. Students read classics including Shadows on the Rock, The American Revolutionaries, Death Comes for the Archbishop and The Red Badge of Courage. Paper grading included. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
2 HS credits.
Cost: $630.00Grade 9-12 students.
Materials Used:Christ the King, Lord of History as the framework text.
Mara Daughter of the Nile, Bible, Famous Men of Greece, Famous Men of Rome,The Histories, Polybius Book VI, Julius Caesar, Magna Charta, Characters of the Inquisition, Daughter of Time, The Life of Sir Thomas More by Ince, The Life of Sir Thomas More by Roper, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Scarlet and the Black: The True Story of Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, Hero of the Vatican Underground, Modern History (MODG), Glory Stories:Jose Sanchez and Miguel Pro.
Description:This course covers basic World History using supplemental books surrounding Christ the King Lord of History. It covers many of the key content points of MODG's Ancient History and Medieval History. It builds writing skills for students of various levels. The paper topics will include: Retellings, point of view, extrapolation, and summarization, outline, first person account, literary analysis, dialogue paper, comparison paper or theme paper. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
2 HS credits
Cost: $630.00