Learning Support - Religion Classes

Acts of the Apostles
Open To:

Students in Grades 6-9

Materials Used:

The Bronze Bow, Acts of the Apostles, Story of the Church (OR Bible History OR The Young People's Book of Saints). (Story of the Church is out of print and may be replaced by either Bible History or The Young People's Book of Saints. The syllabus lists directions for all three texts starting at Week 21, Day 2)


This Bible History is a discussion based course focusing on the early life of the church.  Most work is done orally and graded by the teacher. Two quizzes are online and autograded.  Parent has the option to utilize LS grading for the written work or add TS for grading and additional direction from a teacher or to drop grading and have the parent handle this. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

Cost: $554.00
Bible Study
Open To:

Grades 10-12. 

Materials Used:

The Bible, and Introduction to the Bible by Fr. Laux.


This course uses Father Laux’s text Introduction to the Bible as a framework. Students also read the Bible. Class discussion centers around key passages from the week’s readings. Class topics include the role of the prophets, the necessity of works for salvation, and the virtues of the great men and women of the Bible. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

1 HS credit.

Cost: $630.00
Catholic Doctrine
Open To:

Grade 11-12 students.

Materials Used:

Following Christ in the World by Anne Carroll, various encyclicals.


The course covers basic philosophy, Catholic social and moral teachings, and advanced theological topics. The main text, Following Christ in the World, is a springboard facilitating the consideration of fundamental concepts. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, and The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma (by Ludwig Ott) are most helpful resources. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

1 HS credit.

Cost: $630.00
Faith & Morality
Open To:

Grade 8-12 students.

Materials Used:

Chief Truths of the Faith and Catholic Morality by Fr. Laux.


This course covers topics relating to the chief truths of the faith and Catholic morals. It presents principles by which to live one’s life and considers application of those principles. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

 1 HS credit.

Cost: $630.00
Gospels of Mark & Luke
Open To:

Students in Grades 5-8.

Materials Used:

The Bible, Baltimore Catechism No 2.


This course is a discussion based course with more direction to help students gain comfort with class discussion. Teacher does most work orally with students, but some autograded online quizzes are provided. If the parents desires the student to do more work in writing (short answers to questions), the parent has the option to utilize LS grading for the written work or add TS for grading and additional direction from a teacher or to drop grading and have the parent handle this. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

Cost: $554.00
Our Life in the Church
Open To:

Students in Grades 7-10

Materials Used:

Faith and Life 8 Our Life in the Church, The Faith Explained, Baltimore Catechism, No 2.


This course covers topics that are central to living our faith. The main text is supplemented in class with selections from The Faith Explained. Reference will be made to the Baltimore Catechism as well. Paper grading is available through Teacher Services if desired or through a class grader. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

1 HS credit if done in Grades 9-10.

Cost: $630.00
Sacraments & Apologetics
Open To:

Grade 9-12 students

Materials Used:

Mass and the Sacraments and Catholic Apologetics by Fr. Laux, and Beginning Apologetics by Chacon and Burnham.


First semester focuses on the sacraments, showing the reasonableness of the Catholic position, the ordering of the virtues to society, and theology’s compatibility with reason.  Second semester looks at apologetics. Paper grading is available. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

1 HS Credit

Cost: $630.00
Sacred Doctrine
Open To:

Students in Grades 11-12. 

Materials Used:

Various encyclicals, selections from St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Some other texts from Ralph McInerny, Scott Hahn.



Sacred Doctrine is an enhanced Catholic Doctrine course. Students learn the same material covered in Catholic Doctrine, but they read it from original sources: papal encyclicals and St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as more modern theologians like Ralph McInerny. Each week students should expect to read and discuss 1-2 encyclicals or excerpts from St. Thomas, the catechism or the Bible and submit 350 word summaries after each class. This is the most intense rigor course.

Class meets once a week, 75 minutes duration.

1 HS credit.

Cost: $650.00
Sacred Scripture
Open To:

Students in Grades 11-12.

Materials Used:

The Bible, Various encyclicals and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Introduction to the Bible by Fr. Laux


RIGOR COURSE. This is a more advanced Bible course. In this course, students will read the entire Bible. This course begins with some of the key encyclicals on Scripture and uses Father Laux’s text Introduction to the Bible as a framework. The focus of this course will be on the Bible as the revelation of God through His Word, which is fully realized in the Person of Jesus Christ. Each week, there will be a reading assignment, an in-class discussion, mandatory discussion board posts, and occasional lectures. Class meets once a week, 75 minutes duration.

1 HS Credit.

Cost: $650.00
SS-10: Religion 10
Open To:

Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval

Materials Used:

Catholic Morality and Baltimore Catechism No. 2, Mere Christianity


This course works through Fr. Laux's Catholic Morality book, while supplemented by the Balitmore Catechism. Students read and discuss virtues, especially the virtue of Faith. There are a few online quizzes and minimal papers. Class meets once a week, 45 minutes duration.

Students taking LS - SS-10: Religion 10 must also take:

  • LS - SS-10: English 10
  • LS - SS-10: Natural Science
  • LS - SS-10: World History & Geog
  • LAB - SS-10: Private Writing Lab
Cost: $380.00
SS-11: Religion 11
Open To:

Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval

Materials Used:

Mass and the Sacraments by Fr. John Laux. 


Students continue the Fr. Laux series, this year focusing on Mass and the SacramentsClass meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.

Students taking LS - SS-11: Religion 11 must also take:

  • LS - SS-11: Biology
  • LS - SS-11: English 11
  • LS - SS-11: US History & Geog
  • LAB - SS-11: Private Writing Lab
Cost: $380.00
SS-12: Religion 12 & Health
Open To:

Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval

Materials Used:

Following Christ in the World by Anne Carroll


Working through Following Christ in the World, this course lead students through topics includeing Immortality, Freedom, Christ's claim to be God, and the Church. Notes and outlines are provided in the syllabus. Class meets once a week, 45 minutes duration.

Students taking LS - SS-12: Religion 12 & Health must also take:

  • LS - SS-12: Am Gov & Econ
  • LS - SS-12: English 12
  • LS - SS-12: Fine Arts
  • LAB - SS-12: Private Writing Lab
Cost: $630.00
SS-9: Religion 9
Open To:

Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant & office approval

Materials Used:

Bible and The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism (No. 2) by Fr. Bennet Kelly


Students read and discuss St. Matthew's Gospel first semester and St. John's Gospel second semester; the Batlimore Catechism is used supplementary the whole year.  Minimal writing is required for Religion 9 and the writing is incorporated in the SS:9 Private Writing Lab. Class meets once a week, 45 minutes duration.

Students taking LS - SS-9: Religion 9 must also take:

  • LS - SS-9: Church History
  • LS - SS-9: Earth Science
  • LS - SS-9: English 9
  • LAB - SS-9: Private Writing Lab
Cost: $380.00