Students in Grades 11-12 who have completed all of Algebra II (Saxon) or who are currently completeing Adv Math (Yr 1) or PreCalculus Teaching Textbooks. (Placement test may be required)
Materials Used:Saxon’s Physics. (Test and answer book required). Lab materials will be used during the year, but all of them involve only basic supplies. Teacher may include supplemental materials.
Description:This course completes the entire text in one year and covers physics concepts at an advanced level. Students are required to do labs which the teacher will assign. Book rental available. (Contact our office.) Class meets twice a week, 60 minutes duration.
1.0-1.5 HS credit (1 credit Adv Physics, ½ credit Physics Lab if labs done.)
Cost: $650.00Grade 8-12 students.
Materials Used:Apologia's Exploring Creation with Biology 3rd Edition (test booklet and answer key also required) and Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box. Lab materials will be required doing the year, but labs will use basic supplies.
Description:Text is broken down into 16 modules. In general each module is covered in two weeks. The final modules are covered more quickly. Students cover topics standard to any good biology program. All tests are graded. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $630.00Grade 8-12 students.
Materials Used:Wile’s Exploring Creation with Biology 2nd Edition (test booklet and answer key also required) and Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box. Lab materials will be required doing the year, but labs will use basic supplies.
Description:Text is broken down into 16 modules. In general each module is covered in two weeks. The final modules are covered more quickly. Students cover topics standard to any good biology program. All tests are graded. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $630.00Grade 8-12 students.
Materials Used:Friendly Biology Student Textbook
Hands, Joey (DVM MEd), Hajda, Lisa B (MEd)
Friendly Biology Student Workbook
Friendly Biology Lesson Tests and Answer Key
Description:Gentle approach to Biology; Students cover topics standard to any good Biology program while also working on writing. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $630.00Grade 8-12 students.
Materials Used:General Biology (Novare) and Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box. Lab materials will be required doing the year, but labs will use basic supplies.
Description:The Novare text is a more rigorous book than Wile Biology. Students cover topics standard to any good biology program. All tests are graded. Class meets twice a week, 45 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $650.00Grade 8-12 students.
Materials Used:Wile’s Discovery Design with Biology (test booklet and answer key also required) and Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box. Lab materials will be required doing the year, but labs will use basic supplies.
Description:Text is broken down into 16 modules. In general each module is covered in two weeks. The final modules are covered more quickly. Students cover topics standard to any good biology program. All tests are graded. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 11-12 who have taken Biology.
Advanced 10th graders can enroll with consultant approval and teacher permission, depending on space. Please contact the office.
Materials Used:Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body 2nd Edition (test and answer book required). Teacher may include supplemental materials.
Description:A rigorous college preparatory biology course covering topics standard to any good anatomy program. The text is broken down into 16 modules and each module is generally covered in two weeks. The final modules are covered more quickly. All tests are graded. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $630.00Grade 10-12 students who have taken or are taking Algebra II. (Placement test may be required)
Materials Used:General Chemistry by John Mays and Answer Key. No quiz book required. General Chemistry and Answer Key can be leased from MODG. Lab materials will be used during the year. Teacher may include supplemental materials.
Description:“General Chemistry is designed, like all Novare texts, to build concepts one on top of the other and to lead students to review and rehearse skills and concepts all year long to facilitate mastery and retention” (Taken from their website) Find more information on Novare’s site: Class meets twice a week, 45 minutes duration.
1 HS credit.
Cost: $650.00Grade 10-12 students who have taken or are taking Algebra II.
Materials Used:Discovering Design with Chemistry Set (textbook and answer key, test booklet). Lab kits optional.
Description:"Discovering Design with Chemistry is a high school chemistry course designed for students who have completed Algebra 1. This independent-study, college-preparatory course covers fundamental aspects of chemistry such as the classification of matter, atomic structure, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, physical change, chemical change, stoichiometry, solutions, ideal gases, acid/base chemistry, reduction/oxidation reactions, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and chemical equilibrium." (From their website).
Lab information is included in the text and many can be done with basic supplies that can be found in the home or in a hardware store. There are suggestions for lab supplies/kits in the text for labs that involve additional equipment. These labs are not required for the class. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit.
Cost: $630.00Grade 8-12 students.
Materials Used:Milken Press’ books on Geology, Oceanography, Weather and The Solar System, and other materials suggested in syllabus, such as Geology Golden Guide and Astronomy for All Ages (see book list on family site).
Description:Students write nearly 40 short essays during the year. The essays cover topics researched using the Milken Press books as a guide. This course is aimed to improve student’s ability to write, speak, think and research. Active learning and class discussion will help students retain information gleaned from the text. All essays are graded. Minimal labs required. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 9-12
Materials Used:Lorenz’s King Solomon’s Ring, Fabre’s Book of Insects, Fabre’s The Wonder Book of Plant Life, Nature Drawing, The Mind of a Raven, MODG Writing Manual, provided handouts.
Description:The course is structured around a study of the soul. We begin with comparative psychology (animal and human behavior, instinct and reason), then proceed to a study of the sensitive soul, and finally to the vegetative soul. Typical biology topics that are covered include genetics, cell theory, ecology, and plant life. The texts used are excellent vehicles to achieve the methodological goals of this year, which include learning how to learn from experience, and observe rightly. In second semester, the student also reads selections of Fabre’s Wonder Book of Plant Life, selections of Linneaus, Aristotle, and DeKonnick, among others. Students are required to do some labs during the year to test theories about animal behavior. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS Credit
Cost: $630.00Students in 9th-12th Grade
Description:Natural Science is an important course that Mother of Divine Grace School offers. The precursor to the study of the soul, the De Anima of Aristotle, this formative course is sometimes skipped by students in favor of additional biology or physics courses. If you are considering skipping this course due to the demands of your student’s colleges or interests, think again! This summer you can complete half of the course in a slightly abridged format. Additionally, direction is given to complete the course on your own for a full credit. As Natural Science investigates the formal and final causes, it is most appropriately taken before Biology.
0.5 credit for the class OR 1.0 credit if the student completes the class and additional 8+ week natural science project
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Students in Grades 11-12 who have completed Algebra 1. Placement test may be required.
Materials Used:Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry by John Mays. Answer key required; quiz book not needed. Text book and answer key can be leased from MODG. Students perform experiments during year but all of them involve only basic supplies. Teacher may include supplemental materials.
Description:A rigorous physical science text. This course integrates history, mathematics, and technical communication skills in a compact volume with aesthetically-mature graphics and lucid, grade-level prose. Find more information on Novare’s site:
Class meets twice a week, 45 minutes duration. The second class of the week is largely spent quizzing students.
1 HS credit.
Cost: $650.00Grade 10-12 students who have taken Algebra I, Geometry, understand sine, cosine, tangent.
Materials Used:Discovering Design with Physics Set (textbook and answer key, test booklet). Lab kits optional.
Description:Discovering Design with Physics is a high school physics course designed for students who have completed Algebra 1, Geometry and have a solid understanding of sine, cosine and tangent. This independent-study, college-preparatory course "gives students an introduction to the basics, such as Newton’s Laws of Motion, Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, work, energy, and power, waves, sound, and light, electrical potential, electric fields, circuits, resistance, and current, magnetism, and magnetic fields.." (From their website)
Lab information is included in the text and many can be done with basic supplies that can be found in the home or in a hardware store. There are suggestions for lab supplies/kits in the text for labs that involve additional equipment. These labs are not required for the class. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
1 HS credit.
Cost: $630.00Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval
Description:Natural Science focuses on order, observation and nature projects. Students read Fabre's Book of Insects and Lorenz's King Solomon's Ring which describe the authors' observations on animal behavior. Then students conduct their own observations on animals, their instincts, and their behaviors.Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-10: Naural Science must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval
Materials Used:Friendly Biology Student Textbook
Hands, Joey (DVM MEd), Hajda, Lisa B (MEd)
Friendly Biology Student Workbook
Friendly Biology Lesson Tests and Answer Key
Description:Gentle approach to Biology; Students cover topics standard to any good Biology program while also working on writing. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-11: Biology must also take:
Students in Grades 9-12 with consultant and office approval
Materials Used:Milken Press’ books on Geology, Oceanography, Weather and The Solar System, and other materials suggested in syllabus, such as Geology Golden Guide and Astronomy for All Ages (see booklist on family site).
Description:This course teaches Earth Science while teaching students to write essays. Writing is incorporated in the Private Writing Lab. Class meets once a week, 60 minutes duration.
Students taking LS - SS-9: Earth Science must also take: