Teacher Services - Foreign Language Courses

Beginning Latin I
Materials Used:

Beginning Latin I Workbook, Teacher Key.


Developed at Mother of Divine Grace School. This course is gentle in its approach; the memorization is manageable and constantly reinforced, and observation skills are used to recognize grammar forms.  Students learn to decline third declension nouns in all cases and learn “case identifiers”; students learn to conjugate third and fourth conjugation verbs in the present system. Rules for forms and translating are given. 25 quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Grading-Only and Assisted level. 54 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

More information: https://modg.org/latin/beginning-latin-1

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $468.00
Beginning Latin II
Materials Used:

Beginning Latin II Workbook, Teacher Key.


Developed at Mother of Divine Grace School.  This course moves quickly but thoroughly through the material taught in Beginning Latin 1 and then introduces more complex topics (such as i-stems) around Week 8. This course is still gentle in its approach; the memorization is manageable and constantly reinforced and observation skills are used to recognize grammar forms. . Beginning Latin focuses on learning how to conjugate and decline. Most programs emphasize memorizing verb endings and paradigms, but in Beginning Latin, students spend more time studying the  endings and stems as parts of verbs, before jumping into these endings or paradigms, so that conjugation can be done correctly. Nouns are learned through observing their uses in sentences. Students begin with the third declension, rather than the first or second, because most nouns are in the third declension. Students practice using nouns correctly through sentence translations. Students also learn how to build nouns on their stems, how to identify the stems, and the English name equivalents of the Latin cases. 24 quizzes and 3 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading-Only and Assisted level. 54 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

More information: https://modg.org/latin/beginning-latin-2

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $468.00
Beginning Latin III
Materials Used:

Beginning Latin III Workbook, Teacher Key.


Developed at Mother of Divine Grace. This course includes a quick review of Beginning Latin 2 concepts and then begins a more thorough study of nouns and adjectives as well as more complex translations from English to Latin and, for the first time, Latin to English! Vocabulary is mainly review and very manageable allowing students to focus on translation. All parts of speech are taught in Latin, making this great for introductory grammar as well. Beginning Latin focuses on learning how to conjugate and decline. Most programs emphasize memorizing verb endings and paradigms, but in Beginning Latin, students spend more time studying the  endings and stems as parts of verbs, before jumping into these endings or paradigms, so that conjugation can be done correctly. Nouns are learned through observing their uses in sentences. Students begin with the third declension, rather than the first or second, because most nouns are in the third declension . Students practice using nouns correctly through sentence translations. Students also learn how to build nouns on their stems, how to identify the stems, and the English name equivalents of the Latin cases. 24 quizzes and 3 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading-Only and Assisted level. 54 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

More information: https://modg.org/latin/beginning-latin-3

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $468.00
College Latin I (Shelmerdine)
Materials Used:

Introduction to Latin 2nd ed. (Shelmerdine), Allen and Greenough’s Latin Grammar (optional)


This course moves at a standard pace. The grammar is comparable to that taught in the Henle Latin I class, but the sentences are taken from the Latinists.  This method uses practice within the context of reading passages to help students familiarize themselves with forms and meanings prior to formal memorization. 24 quizzes and tests are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
College Latin II (Shelmerdine)
Materials Used:

Introduction to Latin 2nd ed. (Shelmerdine), Allen and Greenough’s Latin Grammar (optional).


This course moves at a standard pace. The grammar is comparable to that taught in the Henle Latin II class, but the sentences are taken from the Latinists. This method uses practice within the context of reading passages to help students familiarize themselves with forms and meanings prior to formal memorization. 32 quizzes and tests are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Fundamentals of Latin Grammar - Year 1
Materials Used:

Fundamentals I Workbook and Quizbook.


Developed at Mother of Divine Grace School, this course continues the approach to Latin of the Beginning Latin series. The eight parts of speech are covered in Latin and English and other concepts and vocabulary to prepare the way for Henle are covered as well. 32 quizzes and tests are submitted for review and grading.

More information: https://modg.org/latin/fundamentals-1

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Fundamentals of Latin Grammar - Year 2
Materials Used:

Fundamentals II Workbook and Quizbook.


This course will prepare students to go into Henle I/IB without difficultly as it introduces most vocabulary, concepts and grammar in the first three units of Henle Latin I, as well as some later Henle Concepts. This course is similar to Henle IA. It builds upon Fundamentals of Latin Grammar 1, but includes review of all key concepts. 31 quizzes are submitted for review and grading.

More information: https://modg.org/latin/fundamentals-2

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Intro to Latin (Cambridge I)
Materials Used:

Cambridge Unit 1 textbook and Omnibus Workbook.


This course moves at a standard pace. The method uses practice within the context of reading passages to help students familiarize themselves with forms and meanings prior to formal memorization. A strong student could do this at the same time as Fundamentals of Latin Grammar, or this could be used in lieu of Fundamentals of Latin Grammar. This is a necessary starting point for a high school student using this method with no previous Latin experience. 12 quizzes, 4 tests, and 38 passages are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Latin I (Cambridge II & Laetissima Rudimenta)
Materials Used:

Cambridge Unit 2, Laetissima Rudimenta, and Omnibus Workbook.


This course moves at a standard pace. The grammar is comparable to that taught in the Henle Latin I class, but it is taught using the reading method. This method uses practice within the context of reading passages to help students familiarize themselves with forms and meanings prior to formal memorization. 32 quizzes and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 64 exercises, passages and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $430.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Latin I/IB (Henle I - Units 1-7)
Materials Used:

Fr. Henle’s First Year Latin textbook (purple), Henle Latin Grammar.


Henle is an extremely successful Latin course, developed by a good Latin teacher with years of experience. Constant review is built into the exercises, making this the Saxon of Latin programs. It teaches the parts of speech in an easily understandable manner for English learners, by starting with the noun. This course covers all of Henle’s Latin I, Units 1-7. 28 quizzes and 4 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 64 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $828.00
Latin IA (Henle I - Units 1-3)
Materials Used:

Fr. Henle’s First Year Latin textbook (purple), and Henle Latin Grammar.


This course moves at a gentle pace. It covers the first half of Latin I (16 weeks of the Latin I syllabus, which is 1/4th of Fr. Henle’s First Year Latin text book, Units 1-3). It is geared toward high school students with little-to-no Latin background or those who might struggle with the speed of Latin I. Good for an older student with no Latin background who needs to move slowly. 14 quizzes and 2 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 34 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Latin II (Cambridge III)
Materials Used:

Cambridge Unit 3


This course moves at a standard pace. The grammar is comparable to that taught in the Henle Latin II class but it is taught using the reading method. This method uses practice within the context of reading passages to help students familiarize themselves with forms and meanings prior to formal memorization. 32 passages are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $430.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Latin II (Henle I - Units 8-14)
Materials Used:

Fr. Henle’s First Year Latin textbook (purple), Henle Latin Grammar.


This course moves at a standard pace. Course begins with a very quick review of Units 1-4, a slower review of Units 5-7 and then progresses through Units 8-14. It is geared toward high school students who were successful in Henle’s Latin I but need more review of vocabulary before hitting more complex translations. 28 quizzes and 4 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 64 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Latin III (Cambridge IV)
Materials Used:

Cambridge Unit 4


This course moves at a standard pace. The grammar is comparable to that taught in the Henle Latin III class, but it is taught using the reading method. This method uses practice within the context of reading passages to help students familiarize themselves with forms and meanings prior to formal memorization. Online access is provided for tests and quizzes. Following this course, students can go into Advanced Latin.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $430.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Latin III (Henle II Complete)
Materials Used:

Fr. Henle’s Second Year Latin textbook (green), Henle Latin Grammar


This course moves at a standard pace. It has built-in concept review and there is some new vocabulary. The level of difficulty is apparent in the complex translations and syntax. 27 quizzes and 4 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 63 exercises and quizzes are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00