Easy Grammar 5-6
Description:This course uses the popular Easy Grammar 5-6 text to teach students standard English Grammar concepts. The course uses daily worksheets to keep concepts fresh in students’ minds. 14 reviews and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only and Assisted level. 18 reviews and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.
Grading Only: $180.00Easy Grammar Plus
Description:This course uses the popular Easy Grammar Plus text to teach students standard English Grammar concepts. The course uses daily worksheets to keep concepts fresh in students’ minds. 14 reviews and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only and Assisted level. 20 reviews and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.
Grading Only: $180.00Supplemental Grammar Workbook (MODG)
Description:This course covers English grammar, mechanics, usage, vocabulary and basic writing skills. It is geared towards students who struggle with grammar. The main grammar text was developed in house by teacher, Kristin Crook. Mechanics is supplemented by Editor in Chief. Vocabulary takes a more prominent role using Worldly Wise 3000 and Writing Skills Book 2 is used to introduce the student to key remedial writing skills.
Grading Only: $180.00Holt Traditions: Warriner's Handbook, Third Course: Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Sentences, Mother of Divine Grace Composition Manual.
Description:This course covers English grammar, mechanics, usage, vocabulary and basic writing skills. It is a fundamental writing course in our program. Through this course, students are introduced to outlines, types of writing, paragraphing, and good writing style. 55 reviews and exercises are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00Warriner’s English Grammar & Composition, 3rd Course (© 1977, 1982, 1986)
Description:This course covers English grammar, mechanics, usage, vocabulary and basic writing skills. It is a fundamental writing course in our program. Through this course, students are introduced to outlines, types of writing, paragraphing, and good writing style. 67 reviews and exercises are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00ABeka Grammar & Composition, Level II.
Description:This new course covers English grammar, mechanics, usage, vocabulary and basic writing skills. Through this course, students are introduced to outlines, types of writing, paragraphing, and good writing style. Review exercises are graded, as are tests. Students use family site for online tests and quizzes.
Grading Only: $180.00ABeka Grammar & Composition, Level III.
Description:This course covers English grammar, mechanics, usage, vocabulary and basic writing skills. It is a fundamental writing course in our program. Through this course, students are introduced to outlines, types of writing, paragraphing, and good writing style. Review exercises are graded, as are tests. Students use family site for online tests and quizzes.
Grading Only: $180.00Primary Language Lessons or Intermediate Language Lessons
Description:For students using Primary Language Lessons or Intermediate Language Lessons; Student can submit up to 24 assignments from the syllabus for teacher review and feedback
Grading Only: $64.00Voyages in English 6 or Lepanto Grammar 6
Description:This course covers English grammar and usage. It is a fundamental grammar course in our program. Through this course students are introduced to grammatical topics, giving them a solid foundation. 32 exercises and tests are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00Voyages in English 7 or Lepanto Grammar 7
Description:This course covers English grammar and usage. It is a fundamental grammar course in our program. Through this course students are introduced to more advanced grammatical topics, preparing them for high school grammar. 32 exercises and tests are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00Voyages in English 8 or Lepanto Grammar 8.
Description:This course covers English grammar and usage. It is a fundamental grammar course in our program. Through this course students are introduced to even more advanced grammatical topics, preparing them for high school grammar. 32 exercises and tests are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00All materials provided
Description:Provides intensive one-on-one specialized instruction in reading and spelling using several science backed programs. Students will meet 2x per week for 60 minutes a day for 30 weeks. Tutoring will be most beneficial for those students whom traditional reading and spelling programs don't work, especially those with dyslexia.
Enhanced Directed Lab: $1,886.00