Teacher Services - History Courses

Adv American Gov & Econ
Materials Used:

Selections of St. Thomas’ Summa Theologica (provided), Federalist and Anti Federalist papers, the Constitution, Common Sense, Democracy in America, and Economics in One Lesson (booklist on family site).


The course begins with a consideration of law through the light of St. Thomas and culminates with an understanding of the type of government laid out by our Founding Fathers. Economic principles are also discussed in depth. 15 essays and papers are reviewed and graded; additional summaries may be discussed or submitted for written review.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Am Gov & Econ (ABeka) - Plan 1
Materials Used:

American Government in Christian Perspective (ABeka), Economics Work and Prosperity in Christian Perspective by R. Kirk (ABeka), test/quiz booklets, and other required texts (booklist on family site).


This course covers the Constitution, the branches of government and offers a thorough look at economics, both in principle and in application to particulars. 12 tests and 8 essays are reviewed and graded; the student may opt to write and submit additional summaries for review.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Am Gov & Econ (ABeka) - Plan 2
Materials Used:

American Government in Christian Perspective (ABeka), Economics Work and Prosperity in Christian Perspective by R. Kirk (ABeka), Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, test/quiz booklets for Government only.


This course covers the Constitution, the branches of government and offers a thorough look at economics, both in principle and in application to particulars. 6 tests and 4 essays in government are reviewed and graded; the student may opt to write and submit additional summaries for review. 14 essays and 1 paper in economics are reviewed and graded.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Ancient History & Literature
Materials Used:

The Founding of Christendom by Warren Carroll, and other required books (booklist on family site).


This course emphasizes what can be achieved through man’s natural gifts and virtues, both intellectual and moral. Historical material focuses on an understanding of natural virtue and its relationship to society and government. Course includes the reading of great works of literature: Iliad (or Children’s Homer), Plutarch, Shakespeare, Plato. 15 essays and papers are reviewed and graded.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
British Literature
Materials Used:

BeowulfIvanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, Henry V and A Midsummer-Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith, David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, Emma by Jane Austen, and The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis, The Harp and Laurel Wreath by Laura Berquist. (Extensive book lists are provided if the student wishes to select other literature texts.)


This course use ten books, chosen from various historical periods in British history, and the student also makes an in-depth study of British poetry. 4 papers and 21 additional assignments on poetry are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Egyptian History (6)
Materials Used:

Old World and America, Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, God King: A Story in the Days of King Hezekiah, Mara, Daughter of the Nile, Golden Goblet, Victory on the Walls, The Hittite Warrior, and more.


This course studies Egypt and other ancient civilizations. Students write a paper on Egypt. 2 papers, some short questions, and maps are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Greek & Roman History (7)
Materials Used:

Famous Men of Greece, The Greeks, Herodotus’ Histories, D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, The Children’s Homer, Archimedes and the Door of Science, Famous Men of Rome, City, The Romans, A Triumph for Flavius, Caesar’s Gallic Wars, Augustus Caesar’s World, The Eagle of the Ninth, Old World and America, and more.


This course studies Greek and Roman history. Students practice writing paragraphs. 2 papers, 16 sets of questions and 8 maps are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
History 4 (Pioneers and Patriots)
Materials Used:

Our Pioneers and Patriots, The Catholic Fatih Comes to the Americas and supplemental history texts.


This course studies American History. 21 study tests are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $64.00
History 5 (Pioneers and Patriots)
Materials Used:

Our Pioneers and Patriots, George Washington’s World by Genevieve Foster, Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia by Margaret Cousins, Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes, Guns for General Washington by Seymour Reit, Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates, Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West by Steven Kroll, Kat Finds a Friend by Joan Stromberg, By the Great Horn Spoon by Sid Fleischman, Wanted: Dead or Alive: The True Story of Harriet Tubman by Ann McGovern, Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White House by Sterling North, Robert E. Lee by Lee Roddy, and The Long Road to Gettysburg by Jim Murphy.


This course studies American History. 4 essays and 24 study tests are submitted for review and grading. 

Grading Only: $64.00
Medieval English & Spanish History & Literature
Materials Used:

History of the English Speaking Peoples by Churchill, The History of Medieval Spain by J. O’Callaghan, and other required books (booklist on family site).


This course considers the development of kingship & government in England and Spain, the Inquisition and Explusion of the Jews in Spain. In addition, this course considers heroism and virtue in works of literature, such as Ballad of the White Horse, Murder in the Cathedral and great figures of history, such as Isabella of Spain and Thomas More. Students submit 14 papers/essays for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Medieval European History & Literature
Materials Used:

History of the English Speaking Peoples by Churchill, The History of Medieval Spain by J. O’Callaghan, and other required books (booklist on family site).


This course considers the development of kingship & government in the Middle Ages and compares the Inquisition and the Reformation. In addition, this course considers heroism and virtue in works of literature, such as Song of Roland, Beowulf, Ballad of the White Horse, Murder in the Cathedral, and The Cid. Students submit 10 papers/essays for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Medieval History (8)
Materials Used:

Fingal’s Quest, Augustine Came to Kent, Son of Charlemagne, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Magna Charta, Adam of the Road, Francis and Clare: Saints of Assisi, St. Dominic and the Rosary, The Door in the Wall, The Black Arrow, Old World and America, and more.


This course studies Medieval history. Students continue to practice writing papers as well as refine their paragraphing skills. 6 papers, 29 sets of questions and 3 maps are submitted for review and grading.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Summer Writing Support

Students who need writing assistance during the summer months (June, July & August) may sign up for Summer Writing Support. This is offered as either Directed (two meetings for each packet) or Enhanced Directed (four meetings for each packet). A single packet provides support for a number of essay or papers comparable to our standard TS courses, but these papers may be selected from more than one course. For example one packet of summer writing support could have 1 religion paper and 1 science essay.

After signing up for a class, please email learningsupport@modg.org to indicate:

  • which syllabi or texts are being used
  • which specific papers need summer writing support
  • how many meetings you would like with the teacher

We will use this to determine the appropriate number of packets, pro-rate the cost and assign a teacher.

Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
US History & American Literature (America: Forge of Freedom by Clark)
Materials Used:

America: Forge of Freedom by Bruce Clark plus 15 additional literature texts (extensive booklists on family site)


This course covers American history from the colonial era through the World Wars and beyond. This course considers the causes of the Revolution, why the pioneers went West, the moral dilemma of slavery and its impact on states rights and succession, natural law and the origin of law in uncivilized lands, and the controversial elements of the World Wars. 6 papers are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
US History & American Literature (Christ & The Americas by Carroll)
Materials Used:

Christ and the Americas by Anne Carroll plus 15 additional literature texts (extensive booklists on family site)


This course covers American history from the colonial era through the World Wars and beyond. This course considers the causes of the Revolution, why the pioneers went West, the moral dilemma of slavery and its impact on states rights and succession, natural law and the origin of law in uncivilized lands, and the controversial elements of the World Wars. 6 papers are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
World Geography (Abeka)
Materials Used:

World Geography in Christian Perspective (ABeka)


This semester course covers world geography using a mix of memory work, map work and quizzes. Recommended for students who need to complete a separate geography credit because their history courses did not include geography.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
World Geography (UG&TG)
Materials Used:

The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide


This course covers world geography using a mix of activities, projects, quizzes and essays. Recommended for students who need to complete a separate geography credit because their history courses did not include geography. 2 essays, 3 quizzes, and 26 activities are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
World History & Literature
Materials Used:

Christ the King, Lord of History plus 14 additional literature texts


This course covers world history from ancient to modern times following the new 2020 World History. It includes the basic argument on the nature of government that students cover in greater depth in our Ancient and Medieval History. 13 papers are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
World History & Literature (Workbook)
Materials Used:

Christ the King, Lord of History plus 10 additional literature texts (extensive booklists on family site)


This course covers world history from ancient to modern times following the new 2020 World History. The course can be completed for just history (workbook only) or for both history and literature credits. If the literature credit is pursued 4 papers are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00