The Bible, and Introduction to the Bible by Fr. Laux.
Description:This course uses Father Laux’s text Introduction to the Bible as a framework; students also read the Bible. Assignments direct students to consider the role of the prophets, the necessity of works for salvation, and the virtues of the great men and women of the Bible. 6 papers, 5 sets of questions and 6 tests are submitted for review and grading.
Assisted: $250.00Following Christ in the World by Anne Carroll, various encyclicals.
Description:The course covers basic philosophy, Catholic social and moral teachings, and advanced theological topics. The main text, Following Christ in the World, is a springboard facilitating the consideration of fundamental concepts. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, and The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma (by Ludwig Ott) are most helpful resources. 11 essays/papers and 4 test are submitted for review and grading.
Assisted: $250.00Chief Truths of the Faith and Catholic Morality by Fr. Laux.
Description:This course covers topics relating to the chief truths of the faith and Catholic morals. It presents principles by which to live one’s life and considers application of those principles. 21 papers and 9 tests are submitted for review and grading.
Assisted: $250.00The Child's Bible History (Knecht) and St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism, No.1
Description:This course studies salvation history and Catholic doctrine through the catechism. Students construct their own bible book. 16 catechism lessons and bible retelllings are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $64.00Bible History (Schuster) and St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism, No.1
Description:This course studies salvation history, the lives of the saints and Catholic doctrine through the catechism. 25 catechism lessons, bible retelllings, and saint reports are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $64.00Credo: I Believe; Baltimore Catechism #2
Description:This course studies the teachings of the faith through the text Credo: I Believe. 30 online quizzes are submitted for grading and review.
Grading Only: $64.00The Bible, Baltimore Catechism No 2.
Description:This course studies Catholic doctrine through St. Joseph’’s Baltimore Catechism, No. 2 and the life of Christ through the Gospel according to St. Mark and the Gospel according to St. Luke. The student discusses the Gospel of Mark through study questions for each chapter and writes summaries of each chapter of the Gospel of Luke. 11 chapters of the catechism, 3 chapters of Mark and 6 summaries of Luke are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00The Bronze Bow, Acts of the Apostles, Story of the Church.
Description:This course studies the early Church using primary and secondary sources. 3-6 summaries, 14 paragraph answers and 2 tests are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00Faith and Life 8 Our Life in the Church, Baltimore Catechism, No 2.
Description:This course covers topics that are central to living our faith. 10 papers, 10 paragraph answers and 2 tests are submitted for review and grading.
Grading Only: $180.00Mass and the Sacraments and Catholic Apologetics by Fr. Laux, and Beginning Apologetics by Chacon and Burnham.
Description:This course first considers the sacraments, showing the reasonableness of the Catholic position, the ordering of the virtues to society, and theology’s compatibility with reason. The course then looks at apologetics and the arguments for the credibility of the faith. 15 essays/papers, 5 sets of questions and 4 tests are submitted for review and grading.
Assisted: $250.00