Teacher Services - Science Courses

Adv Physics (Saxon)
Materials Used:

Saxon’s Physics. (Test and answer book required).


This course completes the entire text in one year and covers physics concepts at an advanced level. Students should have completed Algebra II (Saxon) or be currently completeing Adv Math (Yr 1) or PreCalculus Teaching Textbooks.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $544.00
Enhanced Directed: $828.00
Biology (Apologia/Dincher - 3rd Edition)
Materials Used:

Apologia's Exploring Creation with Biology 3rd Edition (test booklet and answer key also required) and Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box.  Lab materials will be required doing the year, but labs will use basic supplies.


Text is broken down into 16 modules. In general each module is covered in two weeks. The final modules are covered more quickly. Students cover topics standard to any good biology program. All tests are graded. 

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Biology (Apologia/Wile - 2nd Edition)
Materials Used:

Exploring Creation with Biology (2nd Edition) by Jay Wile (test booklet and answer key also required) and Darwin’s Black Box. by Behe. Lab materials will be required doing the year


Three quarters of the course follows the main biology text which cover topics standard to any good biology program. One quarter of the course covers the topic of evolution using Humani Generis and Darwin's Black Box. 16 tests and 4 papers are submitted for review and grading at the Assisted level. 16 study guides, 16 tests, and 4 papers are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Biology (Composite - 2nd Edition)
Materials Used:

Fabre's Book of Insects by Jean Henri Fabre, King Solomon's Ring by Konrad Lorenz, Exploring Creation with Biology by Jay Wile (booklist on family site).


The first third of the course covers Natural Science. The student will read the observations and experiments of renowned naturalists and will prepare a five week project of his own in which he will make a hypothesis, observe an animal, conduct experiments, and draw conclusions based upon his observations. The final two-thirds of the course covers Biology using Exploring Creation with Biology which provides a serious study of biology while remaining very home-school friendly. 

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Biology (Friendly Biology)
Materials Used:

Friendly Biology Student Textbook, Hands, Joey (DVM MEd), Hajda, Lisa B (MEd), Friendly Biology Student Workbook, Friendly Biology Lesson Tests and Answer Key


Gentle approach to Biology; Students cover topics standard to any good Biology program while also working on writing. 

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Biology (Novare)
Materials Used:

General Biology (Novare) and Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box. 


The Novare text is a more rigorous book than Wile Biology. Students cover topics standard to any good biology program. All tests are graded. 

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Biology (Wile-Berean Builders)
Materials Used:

Discovering Design with Biology (1st Edition) by Jay Wile (test booklet and answer key also required) and Darwin’s Black Box. by Behe. Lab materials will be required doing the year


The course follows the main biology text which cover topics standard to any good biology program. Humani Generis and Darwin's Black Box are integrated throughout the course to provide additional information to study the topic of evolution. 16 tests and 4 papers are submitted for review and grading at the Assisted level. 16 study guides, 16 tests, and 4 papers are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Biology: Human Anatomy & Physiology (Wile - 2nd Edition)
Materials Used:

Wile’s The Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (2nd Edition). 


Text is broken down into 16 modules; each module is covered in two weeks. Students cover topics standard to any good anatomy program. 16 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Assisted level. 16 study guides and 16 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Assisted: $306.00
Directed: $452.00
Enhanced Directed: $544.00
Building Blocks of Science Book 5
Materials Used:

Building Blocks of Science Book 5


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Building Blocks of Science Book 6
Materials Used:

Building Blocks of Science Book 6


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Building Blocks of Science Book 7 - Year 1
Materials Used:

Building Blocks of Science Book 7 - Year 1


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Building Blocks of Science Book 7 - Year 2
Materials Used:

Building Blocks of Science Book 7 - Year 2


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Chemistry (Wile - 2nd Edition)
Materials Used:

Exploring Creation with Chemistry by Dr. Jay Wile, The Mystery of the Periodic Table by Benjamin Wiker, and The Chemical History of a Candle by Michael Faraday


This course provides a serious study of chemistry while remaining very home-school friendly. 16 tests and 4 quarter tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 59 lessons and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $544.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Chemistry (Wile-Berean Builders)
Materials Used:

Discovering Design with Chemistry Set


This course provides a serious study of chemistry while remaining very home-school friendly. 16 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 32 lessons and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $180.00
Directed: $544.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Concepts & Challenges in Earth Science
Materials Used:

Concepts & Challenges in Earth Science


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 4 tests and 24 sets of questions are reviewed and graded.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Concepts & Challenges in Life Science
Materials Used:

Concepts & Challenges in Life Science


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 5 tests and 22 sets of questions are reviewed and graded.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Concepts & Challenges in Physical Science
Materials Used:

Concepts & Challenges in Physical Science


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 4 tests and 24 sets of questions are reviewed and graded.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Concepts & Challenges in Science 1-A
Materials Used:

Concepts and Challenges in Science 1 (A)


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 4 tests and 23 sets of questions are reviewed and graded.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Concepts & Challenges in Science 2-B
Materials Used:

Concepts and Challenges in Science 2 (B)


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 4 tests and 22 sets of questions are reviewed and graded.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Concepts & Challenges in Science 3-C
Materials Used:

Concepts and Challenges in Science 3 (C)


This course is a principle based study of science, combining foundational, and important, information with a format that encourages independent work. The daily lessons encourage students to identify topic sentences and articulate the concept presented providing an excellent practice in the study of dialectic. 4 tests and 23 sets of questions are reviewed and graded.

Grading Only: $180.00
Assisted: $240.00
Directed: $374.00
Enhanced Directed: $468.00
Earth Science
Materials Used:

Geology, Oceanography, Weather and The Solar System (Milliken Press), and other research materials suggested in syllabus, such as Geology Golden Guide and Astronomy for All Ages (see book list on family site).


This course researches standard Earth Science topics using the Millken Press books as a guide. This course is aimed at improving the student’s ability to write, speak, think and research. 41 essays are submitted for review and grading. 

Assisted: $306.00
Directed: $452.00
Enhanced Directed: $544.00
Materials Used:

Casti Connubii, Catechism of the Catholic Church


This one semester course provides an excellent overview of the Catholic moral teaching on marriage, sexuality, and family life. 10 sets of questions and a research paper are submitted for review and grading.

(Please Note: This is a one semester course but the fees listed in enrollment are for the year. After enrollment the fees will be reduced to the semester amount: $125 for Assisted, $200 for Directed and $250 for Enhanced Directed. If you sign up for this course during the summer or early fall, please notify MODG if you intend to complete this course during the Spring semester.)

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Natural Science
Materials Used:

Fabre's Book of InsectsKing Solomon's Ring by Konrad Lorenz and Nature Drawing


This course begins with the observations and experiments of renowned naturalists. The student then prepares a semester long project of his own in which he will make a hypothesis, observe an animal, conduct experiments, and draw conclusions based upon his observations. 15 summaries, sets of questions and project reports are submitted for review and grading.

Assisted: $250.00
Directed: $400.00
Enhanced Directed: $500.00
Physics (Berean Builders)
Materials Used:

Discovering Design with Physics Set


This course provides a serious study of chemistry while remaining very home-school friendly. 16 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 32 lessons and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $196.00
Directed: $544.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00
Physics (Wile - 2nd Edition)
Materials Used:

Exploring Creation with Physics (2nd Edition) by Dr. Jay Wile


This course provides a serious study of physics while remaining very home-school friendly. 16 tests are submitted for review and grading at the Grading Only level. 47 lessons and tests are submitted for review and grading at the Directed and Enhanced Directed level.

Grading Only: $196.00
Directed: $544.00
Enhanced Directed Lab: $828.00